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A woman who commands her own, represents the entrepreneurial spirit, and displays the fruits of proper drive and determination. A Boss Lady is a woman who calls the shots. Boss Lady Magazine is the first to give voice to the women who TRULY run the world.





BLM is more than just another magazine but movement to revolutionize the way we as women think, act, communicate, and influence the world around us. BLM's 3 Tiers include: women empowerment, educating the youth to become global leaders, and bringing awareness to many of the social struggles that women face around the globe.





The BossLady Club is a global social networking group for professional women that are enriching the lives of others.  The BossLady Club also offers training and development programs, mentorship programs for teens, and workshops on entrepreneurship and finance. The BossLady Club membership application and program enrollment information will all be posted in more detail very soon. 


The BossLady Club: A MagOpera is a mini soap-opera series where we take an in-depth look into the lives of 6 culturally-diverse friends of 6 completely different work career paths as they dish on life, love, and share secrets.


This global publication is a voice for hard working professionals that are trendsetters, visionaires, entreprenuers, and agents of change. Every woman is a bosslady in her own right! It is  BLM's mission to challenge young girls and women to think of longevity and prioritize their futures while providing them with the tools to do so.   Your legacy is everything! Why not be a Boss?


From the Editor's Desk:


Greetings beautiful people! Just wanted to say thank you so much for visiting BossLady Magazine. I appreciate you for the continued support, prayers, and shared insight. Upon the magazine's inception, I wanted to create a positive platform for women to support each other, bounce ideas, and one that could heal and build the world. May your lives be enriched through this, and may your businesses flourish forever.


Kind Regards,


Rhonda R. Parker

Founder & Editor-in-Chief 




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