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Ms.Shemek, what does term  "BOSS LADY" mean to you?

Boss Lady defines a woman who knows, inutitively, that she can control certain aspects in life – including how she reacts to situations.  She also knows that there are those situations there is not control and so she lets it go.  This is the ultimate sense of being the ‘Boss’ of you, your life.  There are many women that have inspired me.they know they have choice in their life.  Choice is the Grand Master of our life experience.


What was the influence behind your career choice of becoming a Health and Weight Loss Expert?

My mother was not well most of my life and yet continued to make choices that promoted her poor health.  She was very overweight, smoked heavily, under enormous stress as a single mother of three children and more.  I was essentially in charge of the household, taking care of my two younger brothers.  I knew, even as a young girl, that she could make different choices.


How important is it for you to help others recognize the importance of living a healthy lifestyle? What steps can be taken to achieve living a healthy lifestyle?

Highly important.  It is important that others understand that we are always at choice, even in simply how we react to a situation.  The first step is to value yourself, because when you do, when you really feel you deserve good health, you will then take the steps to create it.  Eating a nutrient dense diet only, hydrating, creating a fit body, getting adequate sleep, reducing stress are all part of optimal health and a quality life. 


With such a hetic schedule, how are you able to balance your personal life and career?

It is challenging at times.  I have learned to prioritize and focus on just one project at a time.  Fragmenting our attention prevents true focus and giving our best.  Also, this allows the project to be finished sooner.


What advice can you give other inspiring females who want to travel your same career path as yourself?

When you wake up in the morning and you feel excitement and passion about the world of health, and you have a driving passion to help others, all action from that point will be inspired action – and you will be successful – a Boss Lady.

BLM Interview with Dr. Lori Shemek, PhD, CNC

What legacy would you like to leave for the next generation of women achievers?


I want every woman to know, that it is possible to achieve whatever you desire despite the obstacles you may have experienced from your early years to your present.  I experienced much hardship as a child and with perseverance and patience, created the life I love.  You too, have the power within you to create the life you love.


Thank you so much Boss Lady Magazine for the interview!  It has been fun and an honor!  I have much gratitude to the readers as well.  

How can the world stay connected with you?

Please feel free to check out my website, there is plenty of information to get anyone started on a healthy path. My blog site is filled with information to help you live a healthier and leaner life.


Twitter @LoriShemek 

Facebook:  Dr. Lori Shemek



 BLM Interview with Former Adult Film Star “CoCo Brown”

 Making History As She Prepares to Travel to Outer Space in 2015 

Making History: Former Adult Film Star “CoCo Brown” Dishes on her New Found Hobby & being an African-American Woman Set to Travel to Outer Space in 2015.


Yep! You read the headline correctly!!!


One thing is for sure…..this is definitely no small step for mankind!!! CoCo Brown is certainly shutting down the naysayers and exceeding expectations with this one. Who would have ever thought that this girl from Taledo would someday grow up and participate in one of the most historic moments in time?


Her claim to fame in the adult film industry afforded her many opportunites, but that career path is long gone and far behind her.


CoCo is currently undergoing intense training in the Netherlands as she prepares for space exploration. In an exclusive interview, CoCo chats with Bosslady Magazine about life in Amsterdam, traveling the globe, intense training, being co-pilot on this hour and a half journey to outer space!


She also gave great advice to women around the globe as it pertains to secrets to success and believing that anything is possible.


CoCo has interviewed with several other notable publications such as the Huffington Post, TMZ, and People’s Magazine in Australia so we are honored to have had the opportunity to speak with her. 


How can the world stay connected with you?

Twitter @ItsCocoBrown

Instagram: @itscocobrown

Facebook: itsCocoBrown



I always wanted to show my support for my teams, but the official clothing items just didn't fit my style. My friend started helping me design special jerseys, and other women started asking me where they could get them.  And Double Play was born…its chic sportswear for the ultimate female fan.


I'm so humbled that so many women have supported this line. It's now in NBA arenas throughout the country. Most recently I have launched a new nail polish line with my partners at Diosa Nails called "The Bonnie-Jill Collection." This will definitely take the female fan experience to another level in addition to the "Woman on The Go" who just wants a quick touch up. I don't spend much time on my wardrobe, hair, or nails..


She revealed,”Like when I recently launched my new network in China, MuHo TV (which means "Behind the Scenes") it was a crazy time. I'm so excited for the state side launch in early 2014. My family, friends, and business partners were all so supportive and willing to help. It's great having good people around you 24/7 to keep you encouraged."


Bonnie-Jill is also a humanitarian and philanthropists and an avid animal rights, PETA, and military activist who cite she feels most happy with her accomplishments for her charity, Hounds and Heroes. "I am prouder of this than anything else I have ever done. As a woman, there is a constant pressure to be a certain type.  I've never actually fit into that mold, but my parents raised me to have the self-confidence I needed to be OK with who I am, and that really helped. Be happy in your own skin regardless of the pressures. I've always been unique in that way." 


If I had another chance at life, I'd probably choose to go the same path. Without my past, I wouldn't be where I am today. "I can't imagine changing anything.  It's been an amazing journey so far, and I can't wait to see where it's going to take me next!  My ultimate dream is to own my own NBA team. I'd like to accomplish this within the next 10 years. This Boss Lady doesn't show any signs of slowing down. "I've been in the business for a long time. The key to longevity and success for any Boss Lady, woman, or aspiring young lady is to remember to treat the people who work for you with respect and kindness whenever possible. And, always always keep it classy." 

You might have seen this petite framed brunette bombshell with two first names in publications such as Maxim, Sports Illustrated, in TV Shows such as Baywatch and ESPN, or on the sidelines of the Lakers NBA games screaming at the top of her lungs.


The self-proclaimed San Francisco Giants fanatic and former Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers Cheerleader who boasts five NBA championship rings (Los Angeles Lakers) and one Superbowl ring (San Francisco 49ers) has turned both the sports arena and Hollywood upside down proving you definitely shouldn't judge a book by its cover. "I'm really honored to have contributed to these teams' amazing accomplishments. I can't describe the feeling of being a world champion. It's such a rush.


I'm somewhat of a lucky charm I guess, because every team I work with seems to be a winner," giggles the triple threat with the "girl next door “good looks whose friends simply refer to as "BJ." Bonnie-Jill Laflin may be most recognizable to you as the beauty who is the NBA's First and Only Female Scout.


Breaking barriers and setting new trends is the epitome of what a true Boss Lady embodies and Bonnie-Jill has certainly accomplished this. As the First and Only Female Scout in the NBA working with a dynasty such as the world renowned Los Angeles Lakers organization alongside mentors like the late Dr. Jerry Buss we are sure that the pressure to play with the "big boys" can be overwhelming.


"People often make assumptions about what my job is or what I had to do to get it.  And I sometimes feel like I have to be better than the men just to keep up.  It reminds me of Ginger Rogers' old saying that she "did everything Fred Astaire did, only backwards and in high heels." As a woman in sports and Hollywood period you are always having to prove yourself...but it motivates me. I LOVE proving people wrong." 


Having served stints at networks like ESPN and KCAL/KCBS this Boss Lady has used these platforms to venture into other avenues of Hollywood and sports. 


Although a tomboy at heart "BJ" has found another way to combine her girly side and love for fashion with her first love of sports thus the creation of her "Double Play Sportswear" line." 

BLM Interview with the First & Only Female Scout In the NBA Bonnie Jill-Laflin

BLM Interview with Olympic Hurdler, Lolo Jones

LoLo" Jones is more than an Olympic superstar with a rural Iowa upbringing. Although Des Moines, Iowa is a distance memory both her family roots and nickname stem from here.


Born Lori Jones on August 5, 1982 and known around the world as celebrated track and field athlete "LoLo" Jones this Boss Lady has jump major hurdles to position herself at the top of her game once again.Boss Lady Magazine had to inquire about where the nickname "LoLo" came from. "My mother's name is Lori as well. People would call and my siblings went from saying do you want "Big Lori" or "Little Lori" to "Lolo," she revealed. They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Those roots may be as deeply rooted as a mighty Sequoia.


The Winter Olympic hopeful may have gotten more from her mother than just a name."My mother taught me perseverance. I didn't realize how valuable it would be. I didn't grow up dreaming of track and field aspirations as you would imagine.I just knew it was my way to get a college degree paid for and a college degree would allow me opportunities that my mother didn't have. A degree would help me escape the poverty I was in as a child. " Escape it, it did.

While the athletic racially ambiguous beauty still feels there is a lot left to accomplish, we live in a society where the world is always waiting for you to fail and the public scrutiny a high profiled athlete and entertainer must endure can definitely affect them both personally and professionally.


At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, LoLo was favored to win the 100 m hurdles but tripped on the ninth hurdle, finishing in a disappointing seventh place. She would then go on to win silver at the 2008 World Athletics Final. Jones is also the American record holder in the 60m hurdles with a time of 7.72.


In 2012 Jones would once again get an opportunity to redeem and vindicate her 2008 performance but would again come up short of a medal edged out for the bronze and placing fourth. The race was so close that no one even knew who won for a few moments. "It was an amazing experience. I actually got to enjoy the opening and closing ceremonies this second time around. I didn't get a chance to do that in Beijing. 


I would have to say the least favorite moment would be getting so close to the medal stand, but not actually making it." After two upsetting Olympic performances and the public backlash calling her a "branding gimmick",

LoLo has seemed to take it all in stride to say the least. "My relationship with Jesus Christ has saved me (from paying too much attention to what others say), I focus on who He says I am. At the end of the day My Savior and my family are the audience that matter." 


The gorgeous spokesperson is also a philanthropist with a big heart. We all know that as the saying goes, "sharing is caring," but giving is living." Being able to give back has been a gift of a lifetime for the once Iowa resident who describes her living conditions growing up as poverty level. LoLo is the founder of Hurdles of Hope Foundation.Hurdles of Hope address barriers, obstacles, and challenges of families with incarcerated lovedones. "I know first- hand the barriers of having a parent incarcerated. The financial strain's to stigmas behind single parent households and it's my desire to show people they can do better and be better."


As for what's next for this Boss Lady, she states: "I will keep going until my feet give up." You will also catch a small cameo in the upcoming Nicholas Cage film, "Left Behind" based on events that take place after the rapture in the Bible. Her introduction into Hollywood and her first film appearance with a Hollywood heavy weight such as Cage might just lead to more opportunities in both film and television. "I only have 8 words, we'll see how many make it to the big screen. But it was a cool experience. I hope to move into TV when I retire. I'm grateful for the opportunity, and with a flash of that million dollar smiles goes on to say, I'd love to one day do a made for TV movie on my life, but I'd have to play me. I don't know who else could do it," snickers Jones.

And in just like in true Boss Lady fashion, our beloved LoLo leaves future "bossies" in training with these words of wisdom, "You will fail! But its in the picking yourself up after failure that the victory comes. The victory is always in the picking yourself up!"Yep, she is a true winner in our book. We can't wait to seewhat this Midwestern beauty gets into next. We won't call it a "come back," but wouldn't this just be the greatest comeback kid story should she wins a medal in the Winter Olympics?

We are all rooting for you LoLo whether on ice or over hurdles. Go LoLo Go! 


How can the world stay connected with you?

Twitter @lolojones 

Facebook:  Followlolo



I do take time to have family outings and date nights with my husband. I don’t really worry about having personal time right now. I will do that when I reach the top! 


How can the world get a taste of your delicious dishes?

We are a Full Service Catering Company that offers Personal Chef Services as well. We are currently looking for a venue to host private parties & our Sunday Brunch that will feature our signature dish which is Red Velvet Waffles & Chicken. We had two preview dates for our Sunday Brunch and it was a huge success. Unfortunately the venue didn’t work for us. But continue to check our website, Twitter & Facebook Page for updates about our venue. We also host a Valentine’s Dinner Cruise every year. 


What advice can you give other inspiring females who would like to pursuit a career in culinary?

My advice for anyone that has an interest in Culinary Arts is to start early with Culinary School & a Business Plan. It’s better to know what you want & plan for it. This will cut down on the obstacles and make the process easier. 


How can the world stay connected with you?

Twitter @ChefDeeDeeC 

Facebook:  DEElicious Southern Cuisine Catering & Events 



 I have always had that culinary seed within me it just didn’t register right away for me.When I catered my first event at age 19 I realized I had a gift. 


We applaud you for the great success you have achieved thus far. What inspires you in your personal life, as well as professional life? What was the most difficult obstacle you have had to overcome being a chef?

What inspires me the most is my desire to be able to provide for my family. There are two things I pray for when it comes to my business, to be able to use what I do to provide for my family & give more to the Kingdom of God. The most difficult challenge has been finding the right venue for my business and the financial aspect of it all. But God has always made things work for me and for that I am thankful.


In your career, how do you utilize the resources of Center’s of Influence (COI’s)

I have quite a few Center of Influence’s in my circle. I consider myself a Celebrity Chef and once my celebrity client uses my services they refer me to their friends. I am also a member of The National Black Chamber of Commerce, The Bethel’s Place Black Chamber of Commerce & Business Network International which are all referral based business. I also set aside a budget to sponsor events that will benefit my company by giving me the exposure I need. 


Being a chef is very competitive, where do you draw inspiration from to create your signature dishes?

I wonder about what draws my inspiration at times when I come up with a great recipe. I can only attribute that to the Holy Spirit. It’s funny at time because I get most of my thoughts & ideas when I am sleeping. I have to keep a pen & pad next to my bed to write down my thoughts & ideas because if I don’t I won’t remember when I wake up in the morning. 


With such a hetic schedule, how are you able to efficiently manage the work life balancing of your personal life and career?

Whew!!! I am still trying to find a balance with work life, family & personal time. I am still in the growing stages of my business & I have such a great work ethic that I have to slow myself down. 

For those who do not know you, tell us a little about yourself?

Well my name is Chef Dee Dee Coleman. I am a woman that believes in Faith & having a hard work ethic. I believe in going after my dreams and working hard to get there. I have been creating great meals and great memories for more than a decade. As a Chef it is important that my food, presentation & customer service reflects commitment to exceptional quality and I prepare each meal with a passion of perfection. Cooking is not only a hobby but an art and I thank God for the gift of preparing great meals.


Chef Dee Dee, what does term "BOSS LADY" mean to you?

“Boss Lady” means just that and I love being the Boss! I am the proprietress of my organization. Although ALL doors are opened by God, I am the one that walks through those doors with confidence and leaving a lasting impression with everyone that experiences DEElicious Southern Cuisine by Chef Dee Dee.


Where did the name “Chef Dee Dee” come from? Cooking has been apart of your family for many years,  who would you say is the best cook in your family? 

 Chef Dee Dee had to be earned. I wasn’t always “Chef”, catering seemed full time but for many years I worked in Corporate America as a Marketing Representative. It wasn’t until I finally realized it was time to pursue my passion full time that the name Chef Dee Dee came. I was always Chef Dee Dee but until I realized the power and significance in that name, I could not properly put my all into what I do. I learned everything I know fromthe best culinary teacher I know, my mother. Even today I use her recipes and put my own twist and creativity to them. She is by far the best cook in my family.


At what age did you discover your love for food? What was the influence behind your career choice?

I started cooking at an early age. At age 4 I was always in the kitchen with my mother on a step stool looking at her every move. I was a curious child and my mother allowed me to participate in every meal. I was always the one that cooked for everyone else. All my friends came to my house for meals or called me when they were trying a recipe.

BLM Interview with Chef DeeDee of DEElicious Southern Cuisine

How can the world stay connected with you?

Twitter @bossladytv 

Facebook:  Boss Lady TV

Instagram: @bossladytv


Who are some of your mentors, and can you share a few things that you’ve learned from them about life as well as business?

“I learned the most from my boss at, where I was hired to create a lifestyle editorial presence. He taught me I had the worst poker face ever. He explained how it’s imperative in business to not show your initial reaction and keep cool at all times. That’s a huge lesson for women, as we especially act from emotion. He also taught me that when I’m pitching something, I have to convince the other person they’ll get just as much out of the partnership (or more) as I will. That’s key when negotiating.”


Now, some may not know but you do have a background in radio. How did that come about?

“When I moved to New York I dreamed of being an on-air host but I wasn’t sure the best way to go about it and honestly, my pride held me back from numerous opportunities. Finally my best friend and now business partner, Amber Ravenel, introduced me to Reggie Hawkins, the Program Director of Hip Hop Nation (SiriusXM)/ I was immediately given the co-host position on Invasion Radio with DJ Green Lantern.”


Speaking of mentors, you also mentor young girls. Please tell us about that and why giving back is so important to you.  

“Mentoring girls is my passion. I do it because I never had a significant female mentor in my life. I remember endlessly reaching out to editors of magazines like VIBE, or top radio personalities, seeking advice or guidance and never getting a response. One woman who did take the time to always write back was Kim Osorio, the editor of The Source at the time. I mentor at-risk youth, recent college graduates and women already in the industry and while it can be very time-consuming, it’s imperative.”


Any words of wisdom for the boss ladies of the world when it comes to having it all and maintaining a sense of balance?

“Love yourself. Be good to people. Speak your mind. Fight for what you believe in. Make decisions you won’t regret. Most importantly, remember life is a series of moments and some are good, some are bad, and all are a lesson.”

With you having more than 10 years rooted in this industry and in business, what are some key attributes of a bosslady?

“I’ve been known as ‘Boss Lady’ for over a decade. Countless women now use it as a moniker, which is great, but most don’t live up to its combined power. Both words are equally important: being a ‘boss’ means being in control of yourself and in charge of your own destiny, while being a ‘lady’ means conducting yourself in a manner where you command respect without asking for it. If you do embody both words, go ‘head and represent for us boss ladies out here!”


Simone, please elaborate on your upbringing and what the transition was like for you coming from Australia to making it in America.

“I was raised to believe in myself, no matter what. My mother’s an angel of a woman who grew up poor, left school at 14, raised my sister and I by herself (with the help of my equally angelic grandmother) and made sure we never felt we were missing out on anything. I grew up in a multicultural environment, West Sydney, and have always been passionate about empowering young people from economically disadvantaged, ethnically diverse backgrounds. I could have easily gone down the wrong path in life but chose differently.”


We applaud you for your many accomplishments. Who or what has been your motivation though your journey to becoming an international journalist?

“Thank you! I’ve always been hugely motivated by the fact that making a name for myself in America would mean audiences see Australians aren’t homogeneous. My cultural background is Middle Eastern and Mediterranean and there are scores of minorities back home whose faces are never seen and voices are never heard.


Please talk about how the roles of women in business have evolved over time?

“It’s an exciting time to be a girl, right? While we still have a long way to go—especially in my world of hip-hop—we’ve made such incredible strides as businesswomen. Vanity Fair just had a spread called ‘Lean In, Lead On’ where they highlighted how female power has never looked so varied and so natural. 

BLM Interview with Cover Girl Simone Amelia


Watch Video Below As CoCo Train For Her Out Of Space Journey with Spacexc in 2015

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