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HEALTH: Signs & Side Effects of Wearing te Wrong Bra Size



Believe it or not, an ill-fitting bra can cause some seriously annoying headaches. If your bra is too tight, it causes tension on your shoulders, neck and back and that in turn can cause headaches.

Back Pain

Back Pain

If your bra is too big, that means that you're not getting enough support. And if you're not getting enough support, your boobs (especially if they're large) are going to start giving you back pain.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

If your bra is too big, you'll probably start tightening the straps so that your boobs get lifted up more. All this does is create ugly red marks in your shoulder that don't need to be there.

Your Boobs Bulge Out

Your Boobs Bulge Out

You know when your bra is too tight and your boobs start to bulge out and it looks really terrible and annoying? Yeah. Hate that.

Back Bulge

Back Bulge

If your bra is too tight, the back strap is going to be tight, which is going to cause some nice annoying bulge back there. If it's too loose, you're probably going to try to fix that by tightening in the straps. That means your bra strap rides up your back until it's seriously uncomfortable. Either way, you lose.

Indigestion / Stomach Pain

Indigestion / Stomach Pain

I know this sounds weird, but it's true - the wrong size bra can cause stomach pain and indigestion. If the bra is too tight, it will dig into your ribs and upper stomach area, causing problems inside your body that you don't even realize.

Bra Gaps

Bra Gaps

Gaps in between your bra and your boobs mean that your cup size is too big. This is more annoying than anything else and it just looks weird.

Upper Arm Pain

Upper Arm Pain

Remember how I said your straps being too tight result in red marks? Well, they also result in shoulder pain & upper arm pain. It's so uncomfortable and so not worth it.

Rib/Stomach Bulge

Rib/Stomach Bulge

Again, a bra that's too tight only results in bulges. If the band is too tight, it's going to dig into your ribs and make your skin bulge out. Not comfortable and not fun.

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