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As soon as entered our group chat session; "TGIF" was the first thing I typed on my phone.

"Amen to that", replied Vanessa, who had just joined the chat session along with Andrea.

Where are we going for our weekly lunch, typed Andrea?


She always asks the same question every week, in hopes we would be going to Red Lobster.

Now don't get me wrong, I love myself some seafood; everything but shellfish because I was born with what I thought was an unfair and unjust allergy to shellfish.


Andrea, we are not going to Red Lobster's this time". I typed my advance response to the question I knew was coming next. It gave me a chance to get a jump start on the déjà vu sequence that was about to occur.

"You picked last time and your choice was Red Lobster and we all went with no problem, with that said, lets open the floor for a different place for this week lunch outing.


"Andrea, Take your hands away from the keyboard" Daphne replied as soon as her name popped onto the screen.

"I wasn't going to suggest Red Lobster", I know we went there last time. I am open to go anywhere you ladies suggest", she added. "But if you all wanted to go there again, I wouldn't be opposed, she continued.


"Hello Ladies", Sydney typed entering the chat session. "Why do we have to go through this every week", she asked.

Can't we each just take turns picking a place, every week for the past ten years we have been doing this? Since we were in college there has always been this back and forth discussion on where to eat our freaking weekly lunch, Sydney typed in all caps. In chat language, this means you are angry and hollering at someone. For some unknown reason, Sydney was upset.


"What's wrong, Sydney?" I asked.

"What isn't wrong", she typed.

"Come on Syd, What's going on" everyone seemed to have typed the same comment.

"Tell us what's bothering you", I typed.

"Can this wait until later, when we meet for lunch", Sidney requested. "Ok, Syd, we will let it rest for now, but when we meet for lunch, you can tell us all about it. You know that if something bothers one of us, it bothers all of us. If you are thinking about standing us up or ditching lunch, then think again", said Vanessa.

"I'll be there, I promise", she typed. "So where are we going", Sidney questioned us again.

"We need to go someplace where we can talk in private," I suggested.


"What about Setes"? Daphne's choice appeared on the screen. "We haven't been there in a while, it has those nice private booths," she added.

"I think that is perfect, so how does everyone feel about going to Setes? I put the question on the table.

One by one everyone replied "Yes". Then Setes it is. Ok ladies I have to go, I have a meeting. I will meet you there at 12:15.

"Over here," motioned Daphne. She was the first to arrive. She is always either early or on time. I guess being the CEO of your own company is a good perk. Not because she is my friend but I think she has the best business and work ethic of anyone I know. She doesn't expect anything less than dedicated and hard work from her employees because she leads by example. In fact, she works as hard as she asks of them.

"How long have you been here," I asked her as I took my seat in the booth.

"I arrived about ten minutes before you did. I had to review some files for an important meeting this afternoon," she said as she tucked her tablet pc into her shoulder bag.


"You're always working. I really think you love it," I responded.

"Of course, how else could I be so successful," she added.

"Oh my god, look who's giving herself praise and a pat on the back," I said laughing.

"What's so funny?" Andrea and Vanessa both said as they sat down in the booth together.

"Nothing but the usual self-praise by our successful business woman Daphne," I responded.

"None other," she added

 We all laughed together.


"Do you guys have any idea what's bothering Syd?" Vanessa asked.

"No, your guess is as good as mine," Daphne spoke first.

"Do you think she will come to lunch today know we will integrate her for answers?" Cloe asked.

"No need to worry, I plan to tell you ladies everything," Sydney said as she suddenly appeared standing before us.

"Ok Syd, Spill it." Vanessa spoke as soon as Sydney took her seat next to me.

"Vanessa, give her a chance to sit down for a second before you start a round of twenty questions.

"I know, but you guys are as eager as I am to know what's going on with our Syd," Vanessa as she picked up her glass of iced tea.

"I must admit I am a bit curious too. Sydney you have been acting a bit secretive and aloof lately," Daphne said as she leaned back with her arms folded.

"Can I at least order my drink and food before you detectives begin your interrogation," Sydney said as she waved for the waiter to come over.

"I would like to order a glass of milk" requested Sydney

"Milk!" we all repeated her request at the same time.


"I have never in all the years I have known you, seen you drink milk." I said as I looked at Sydney.

Sydney is a loyal consumer of Coca Cola. She is known to drink it as much as she drink water.

"Are you really our Sydney? What have you done with her. You're suddenly doing things we have never seen you do. What's going on with you?" Cloe asked finally breaking her silence.


"I will have a cobb salad with broccoli and chese soup to start." Sydney completed her order and handed the menu to the waiter.

As soon as the waiter walked away. Sydney turned to face us and spoke two words.

"I'm pregnant." Sydney said as she took a drink of her water.

We all stared back at her, all of us frozen in time. All of us in completed state of shock.



                                                                           Cast of Characters


SYDNEY is a well-known Caucasian Gynecologist.

CLOE is an accomplished African-American Writer and Magazine Publisher.

VANESSA is a successful Latino defense Attorney.

ANDREA is a feisty Dentist of African-American and Asian decent.

DAPHANE is a renowned Fashion Designer. She is also CEO of Dephane Designs and of Indian decent.

ANGELA is an illustrious CEO of The Graves Group, a real estate agency. Angela is of biracial decent. She was born to black and white parents. She is single and gay.



Stay tuned next week for another installment of The Bosslady Club. It's guaranteed to be jam-packed with laughs, love, big business, sex, secrets, and more!!!! STAY TUNED…Tweet us (@BossLadyMag), Facebook (Boss Lady Magazine) us, or visit us on Instagram at (@OfficialBossLadyMag) to give us your feedback on the new MagOpera, The Bosslady Club.

BossLady Club - A MagOpera, Episode 1

THE BOSSLADY CLUB – A MagOpera: a newly scripted magazine soap-opera series written by one of Boss Lady Magazine writers who is also an up and coming fiction literary author, Pamela A. McGill. The MagOpera is  the 1st major attempt at a global and culturally diverse adaptation of the popular hit American TV sitcom Sex in   the City. The MagOpera follows the lives of a group of six powerful and successful women—ages ranging from mid- twenties to mid-forties—who, throughout their very diverse natures, beliefs, fields of work, and ever-changing sex lives all remain thick as thieves and confide in each other.


Enjoy the first episode of the BLC series below. All of these  women are introduced to you as they meet up for a routine lunch meeting for girl talk….


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